Fuel System Cleaning at Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Oswego for Better Performance
April 24, 2015
Hi Oswego motorists. Let's talk fuel injectors. A fuel injector is a valve that delivers fuel to a vehicles engine. It has to deliver the precise amount of fuel, to precisely the right place, precisely when the engine needs it. The fuel also has to be mixed with air before it can burn in the en... More

Recommended Oswego Service Intervals
April 17, 2015
Everyone in Oswego, Illinois knows we are advised to go to our Oswego dentist twice a year. Oral-conscious Oswego residents have a teeth-cleaning and examination. Once a year, we get x-rays to look for problems that cant be seen with the naked eye. When our dentist is done, he/she t... More

Oswego Road Trip Preparation
April 10, 2015
People from Oswego Illinois love their cars. And nothing goes with cars better than a Illinois road trip. Freedom from daily schedules, new sights and the open road it's great! But there's nothing like car trouble to bring the fun to a grinding halt. Now you can't always avoid probl... More